
Showing posts from May, 2020

Final Post

After watching the video on the 1964 World’s Fair in New York, and seeing the world display “Futurama,” I immediately was intrigued. I personally love looking back on past generations to figure out how they perceived the future of our society to turn out. In the video, we can see that the “Futurama” display incorporates all sorts of innovative technology, ranging from aerospace technology, to oceanic technology. We then come across architectural brilliance in the video as the passenger’s gaze upon the underwater lost world of Atlantis which contains a futuristic building, and radiant wonders in the vast world of the sea. For me, it seems as if each generation has a hope for new innovative technology to be produced. This technology usually includes things that the specific generation fantasizes about. For example, when I was a kid growing up, my friends and I all thought that flying cars would exist by 2020!  We set our eyes on the technology that can redefine the world as we know it,