Final Post

After watching the video on the 1964 World’s Fair in New York, and seeing the world display “Futurama,” I immediately was intrigued. I personally love looking back on past generations to figure out how they perceived the future of our society to turn out. In the video, we can see that the “Futurama” display incorporates all sorts of innovative technology, ranging from aerospace technology, to oceanic technology. We then come across architectural brilliance in the video as the passenger’s gaze upon the underwater lost world of Atlantis which contains a futuristic building, and radiant wonders in the vast world of the sea. For me, it seems as if each generation has a hope for new innovative technology to be produced. This technology usually includes things that the specific generation fantasizes about. For example, when I was a kid growing up, my friends and I all thought that flying cars would exist by 2020!  We set our eyes on the technology that can redefine the world as we know it, but sometimes those expectations are unrealistic for the given time period.  

My current relationship with technology is one that is almost unbreakable. Being a Strategic Communications major, I’m always on my laptop, or phone looking at news headlines or social media platforms. I do not think this is a healthy relationship, but one that is needed to be able to function in our society today. For me, being constantly surrounded by my phone or laptop makes it hard extremely hard for me to focus on anything else. I think the main reason its hard to look away from our phones or laptops is the concept of FOMO (fear of missing out.) FOMO can be experienced on social media platforms across the web, making it almost impossible to stay away. I personally deal with anxiety, so the feeling of missing out on something really digs away at me internally. 

When it comes to the time I spend with my technology, I can honestly say I spend the appropriate amount of time with it as a whole. I try to average the time I spend on my phone and laptop per week just to keep my mental health in check. I limit most of my time spent with technology for classwork and homework that I need to complete that week. I’m the type of person who will use my phone for a week, but then leave it off for a couple days just to give myself a little reality check! I think everyone has a different boundary when it comes to their relationship with technology. Each person knows his or her own limitations, and only they can really judge if their behavior is excessive or not. 

Technology today makes any information you may want to access appear within seconds. With our latest technological advancements in cell phones, we now have access to the world wide web with a single click of a button. We as humans can search the internet and within seconds, we can find accurate answers. For the most part, technology itself informs and provides us with valuable information on a daily basis. 

Technology may not always be a benefit to our lives as humans. In social media over the years we have seen a significant rise in cyberbullying. In 2019, over 25% of adolescents reported that they had been a victim of cyberbullying, whether it was on social media or the internet. Nearly half of all teens who partake in social media experience some sort of cyberbullying. This negative impact on the youth of America has taken a toll in mental health as well. Bullying can lead to sever physiological, emotional, or even physical problems. 

Im always skeptical to see how our technology advances in society. Technological advancements result in changes in society and changes within humans. It will be fascinating to see how our world reacts to new technological breakthroughs in the future. I would love to see more technology being produced, but I'm also afraid of the negatives it may produce. To me, everything in life is a lesson. Humans must experiment and even sometimes fail to understand the big picture. I think we are taking the right steps in prevention of harmful impacts the internet contains, but new challenges will always emerge. 


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