W7 EOTO: Someone else's Tech.

W7 EOTO: Blogging on classmates technology.

A really interesting technology that really surprised me was Paul's Presentation on the carrier pigeon. We were assigned into the same group for the project but I was still in love with his overall topic. Personally, I find it so intriguing that we were able to use pigeons to carry messages for us. The way that humans were able to cage these birds, tie a message to them, and have them carry out that message is incredible. Another remarkable thing about these carrier pigeons is that they led to war-time communication. These pigeons went on to be used as communication devices in the war. Pigeons were even drafted into the military just like men are. Carrier pigeons helped communicate where enemy outposts were during WWII. Even the outcomes of the Olympic Games were sent to Athens by carrier pigeons! We then run into the limitations and downfalls that a carrier pigeon possess. Carrier pigeons are animals and therefore they will be hunted by other animals or even humans. Pigeons were also often injured when it came to attaching a message onto it. The pigeon species is almost near extinction due to their overuse and being hunted by predators. As time went on new technology advancements had been made and the carrier pigeon seem to fall out of favor, most likely for its reliability reasons.


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