How Coronavirus has impacted social media engagements

During this unfortunate event we are facing globally, I wanted to find out how the Coronavirus has impacted social media consumption since the start of this nasty pandemic. As you can already imagine, millions upon millions of people are in isolation following the Coronavirus safety protocol. With millions of people in their homes every day, I wanted to see if the numbers in social media increased or decreased depending on the specific platform. 

I started off with looking into Instagram engagements since the beginning of March. Instagram engagements were decreased dramatically following the first two weeks of the pandemic. Interesting enough, Alcohol brands saw a spike in engagements due to people drinking in their homes. Food and beverage companies experienced a slight engagement and are returning to normal. Influencers engagements, however, are declining at a rapid rate. With no significant signs of improvement, this is the lowest we have seen Instagram influencers engagements.

Facebook experienced a similar decrease in engagements as Instagram did since the beginning of March. Alcohol brands on Facebook also experienced the same engagements as on Instagram. The big spike in engagements was for financial services brands. Financial services brands experienced this huge spike due to the changes in our stock market since the beginning of the pandemic. 

Twitters initial engagements were found to be more than Facebook’s and Instagram’s engagements. People are still connecting with the news and their favorite brands while using Twitter. As seen before, Twitter experienced high engagements when it was pertained to financial services. These brands are making sure they engage with their consumer as well to keep up the heavy flowing traffic. Sports teams are facing the worst part of it all recording their worst engagements of 2020. 

Overall people have been on social media, but it depends on the specific platform they’re using. Companies and organizations are feeling the negatives and positives of social media engagements while living through this pandemic. Influencers and Sports teams are feeling the worst during this, recording their worst engagements of the year. 


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