W13: Audit your online profile

When it comes to my digital footprint, I would say I have a decent one. Although I do not have my own personal website, I still interact on various social media applications and platforms across the web. Some social media platforms that I am currently on are Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and GroupMe. On my Instagram I primarily put up photos of my friends and I, pictures from traveling or pictures that I enjoy in general. On snapchat I primarily use it as another way to contact friends other than calling or text messaging them. Snapchat for me is a platform to stay in touch with friends in different time zones. Platforms such as LinkedIn could be extremely vital for job hunting after graduating college, so I try to keep my profile visually appealing and professional as possible. GroupMe is another great platform when it comes to communicating with others. If you have a large group of people, GroupMe is perfect for you. GroupMe allows messaging among created groups, and you can put as many people in a GroupMe as you want! I’m currently in a GroupMe that has 4,335 people in it! Throughout my various platforms you can see a reoccurring theme, and that theme is I love the beach! My social media accounts are filled with pictures of me at my house or me on the beach. Other than the beach I do proclaim my strong love for the city of Liverpool and its football club Liverpool F.C. If a visitor were to come across one of my social media pages, they would obtain information that I am a fan of soccer and Liverpool F.C., they would also recognize my strong love for my home based off the various pictures and posts of the beach. If you know these two things about me than you already know who I am pretty well. Sensitive information that I may have given out in the past would be my phone number and email, for my Instagram, Snapchat, GroupMe and LinkedIn. Basically, all of the platforms that I participate in require an email or phone number for verification. I think it’s safe because they’re verifying if the email address or phone number actually belongs to you and not an imposter. Social media can easily make people feel lonely or depressed. People on social media always try to depict themselves having fun or being popular when in reality it’s much different. Unfortunately, some younger kids use these platforms to cyber bully other kids which can ruin one’s perspective on why the app is there anyway. With social media we can easily feel like were lonely or isolated from others and that can take an immediate effect on your mental and physical health. If you’re feeling lonely, you’re more less likely to exercise, You’re more likely to be put in a geriatric home at an earlier age and you’re more likely to become obese. Overall social media can have an effect on our mental and physical health and we must be aware of how our surroundings are making us feel.



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