EOTO: W6: Com Tech Post

EOTO Com Tech Timeline

I had the pleasure of working with Gabby, Sam, Rebecca, and Paul on our group presentation of the Frist Camera Phone, Emoticon, Email, Carrier pigeons and Newspaper. For my part of the projected I was assigned the First Newspaper. The first known printed weekly Newspaper was published in 1605, in Rome. It was named the Roman Acta Diurna which can be translated to “Daily Public Records.” The publishing of the Roman Acta Diurna was ordered under the ruling of Julius Caesar. When we think of newspaper our minds go straight to what we know, information and news on paper. The Roman Acta Diurna was in fact the same model, but it was carved on stone or metal. The Roman Acta Diurna was presented in public places like the Forum of Rome, public markets, or thermal baths so people could be updated on the latest public access events, and insights of political life. Other news that could be found were astrological readings and news of war.  The Roman Acta Diruna also noted notable births, deaths, marriages, as well as news about gladiatorial combat. As time proceeded, the Roman Acta Diruna started to contain more and more information that was easily accessible to the public. By the time of the 1st century BC, the Roman Acta Diruna was no longer carved into stone, they were now hand-written, thought to be written on sheets of papyri. After the conversation to writing their newspapers, they continued to post these documents in public forums. The papyri however did not hold up through time and there is currently no intact copy of the Roman Acta Diruna known to man. 

The Roman Acta Diruna has forever changed how we as people communicate news to the public. In today’s society we now have thousands of printing presses around the globe distributing all types of news, entertainment, and reminders to the public. We have adopted their style of printing and have adjusted to using newspaper that is now distributed to an average of 56 million people on a daily basis.  Newspapers allow us to keep up to date with current political, social, sporting, economic and entertainment news that is occurring either locally, or globally. We are also beyond grateful to have access to the internet almost everywhere we go. News has now taken the advantage of streaming it news online via the internet so more consumers can indulge in it. With the combination or newspapers, media and the internet, its almost impossible to get yourself AWAY from the news because its constantly around us !



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