W11: Eight Values of Free Expression

Eight values of Free expression 

I had a tough time when it came to picking out one Free Expression that I may value over another. When it came to me narrowing down my decision, I decided to go with the Marketplace of Ideas (aka Discovery of Truth.)   This value was first suggested by Milton, who first said that when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, truth will win out. And the grappling makes the truth even stronger. His argument against requiring a license to print/publish. I am in love with every single component of this Free Expression value. This value in more simple terms is explaining how the truth and lies about a situation are to remain free, up in the air, and that the truth will always win out. This speaks high volumes to me because I’ve always lived by a quote similar to this one with the result being the truth always wins. I personally think there’s a time and place for lying, and not necessarily that its bad thing overall, but lying there to make us think for ourselves. What is most underrated to me about this expression is the “grappling.” Time will always tell, and eventually the truth will always come out. I love that this is included because whenever there’s a problem in my life where I think I have been lied to, I let time play it out and eventually everything unfolds. I think this expression is also extremely crucial when pertaining to news, media-outlets or even human relationships in general. Its crucial for the media world because allowing the truth and falsehood to freely grapple allows people of society to mold an opinion or feeling about a certain subject. Sometimes telling someone that their wrong or that their opinion is wrong can lead to uncomfortable situations. Time is a key component because many people change their thought process. Sometimes Time is necessary for someone to see the truth rather than the falsehoods of something. This is inspiring to me because this means the public press is allowed to publish stories that make people think and react differently. Without these stories, society would have no conflicting opinions or emotions on topics that could be vital to the world. Overall, whats most meaningful to me is the truth. The truth ensures trust within someone and thats something I've always possessed deeply. I always want to feel like anyone can come to talk to me because I do tell people the truth and I expect that in return. People will be able to distinguish the truth from falsehood if they're presented multiple opinions. Sometimes the truth isn't what it truly seems, and other times the truth can come back to hurt you, but in the end the truth always will come out on top. 

Link for more information regarding Miltons Marketplace of Ideas



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