Antiwar: The Progressive Era

When it comes to war, many Americans have different viewpoints and emotions than others. When we explore websites such as and The American Conservative, we notice that their strong antiwar voices never seem to reach the mainstream media.  I primarily think that antiwar voices (such as the ones shown on these websites) don’t generally make mainstream media due to the amount of money and funding our United States Military receives. With millions upon millions of dollars in spending, the average American wants to be shown that their safety is the number one priority when it comes to war related media. The American people want to recognize that their money is going towards something that will benefit them. Some antiwar voices and messages may not reach mainstream media due to their lack of knowledge or understanding of the topic pertaining to war. Antiwar voices are not immediately shut down or shunned, some are even taken into consideration. The top priority is the fact that the U.S military does everything in their power to keep the American people safe and civilized. With that being said, the American people love to honor those who fought or those who are currently fighting for our country. War is the last thing any nation wants to experience, antiwar websites make their voice for this known, but most antiwar voices will never truly understand why we must continue war or heavy funding towards the military.  


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