While examining the terms and concepts on Blackboard I had one term pop out to me almost instantly and that term was Whistleblower. A whistleblower is a person who informs on a person or organization engaged in an illicit activity. A Whistleblower can be good or bad depending on the information being leaked to the general public. Whistleblowers can benefit the general public in many different ways! For examples, whistleblowing benefits include workplace safety, good corporate culture, and it serves as a precaution for Workplace bullying/harassment. However, whistleblowers can also have a negative effect or impact on the general public. Some negatives that can result from whistleblowing are harm, individual harm, public trust damage, and a threat of national security. 

Whistleblowers have been known for pointing out unethical or even illegal activity a person or an organization commits. Not all whistleblowers become famous from exposing their target, but whistleblowers do keep companies and organizations accountable for their wrongdoings. For example, a famously known whistleblower is W. Mark Felt who worked as an Associate Director for the FBI in the 1970’s.  W. Mark Felt provided vital information containing President Nixon’s connection to the 1972 Watergate break-in. In result of this whistleblowing, President Nixon is now famously known for being the only United States president to resign from office. An example of negative whistleblowing occurred when Army private, Chelsea Manning, leaked a tremendous amount of classified military and diplomatic records and data to the group WikiLeaks. An Army judge soon found Manning to be guilty of espionage in August 2013. Manning was sentenced to 35 years in federal prison with a chance for parole in seven years.  Manning was known for “aiding the enemy,” as a result of this whistleblowing.  

Whistleblowing could potentially lead our society to harm in the worst of cases. Our society could easily experience harm, or even threat to our national security as a result of a negative whistleblowing. Whistleblowing may also lead our society to be better as a whole. Whistleblowing benefits our society by implanting safe Workplaces, deducting fraud, and by overall implementing a sense of cooperation as a whole. Whistleblowing can affect the people even when it comes to your social status. Rich and poor people can experience both benefits and negatives of whistleblowing. For example, A whistleblower could leak information on how their managers or head of the companies earn a significant amount more of money than others who may serve the same job/position. Whistleblower may also express collusion in a company which can affect the rich and the poor. Whistleblowing may affect my friends company considering their family is in the tobacco business. Being a big-time tobacco name, my friends’ parents must be aware of whistleblowers within the company and those outside the company. To prevent whistleblowing, you must ensure that everyone is being treated ethically correct in your work environment. Treating others with respect while maintain safety is the main prevention for whistleblowing.  


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