First Amendemnt applied in sports

      When we primarily think of the First Amendment, we don't generally think of the impact it has in the sporting community. Lately in the sporting community, we as fans have witnessed many protests that convey the practices of free speech. Colin Kaepernick is famously known for his ability as a professional football player, but over the past years he has protested against police brutality and has been a heavy advocate for the All Lives Matter campaign. Kaepernick has taken full advantage of his first amendment rights and is speaking out on a platform that could potentially reach millions upon millions of viewers. According to the National Football League (NFL) has recently created a new policy claiming that all players and coaches must be standing during the national anthem. This may come as a surprise as the NBA, WNBA, NCAA, and MLB have no policy official policy regarding this matter. Other leagues such as Major League Soccer "highly encourages," it's players and coaching staff to stand during the national anthem but there is no specific ruling on this.


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